Sunday 5 January 2014

Try Something New!

Hey everybody! This week’s blog is, well, you guys can tell from the title but go do something new!
As a kid I used to try anything and everything. It all started with Irish dancing(for about a month then was told I had two left feet), then football, then horse-riding, I was such a kid who was up for anything but as time progressed I got shyer and shyer and doing anything new was a total no for me. From joining twitter and tumblr I’ve started to see this is what alot of teenagers are like which has made me realise that we are only young once, no matter how many time you’ll hear that it is so true! I know I already regret my shyness so can you imagine every year we get older, we are going to regret more and more things we didn’t do when we were younger. My shyness started when I started having those horrible years at high school I’d love to forget but everyone has different reasons for either being shy or just having no confidence in themselves. I know another huge problem of not wanting to try new things is anxiety. Anxiety sucks, it really does, it stops you from doing things your friends are doing and puts you into a deeper dark hole as you feel none of your friends actually understand. Luckily I have some amazing friends who A. Googled anxiety (thanks becs!) or B. Just put up with it! By some of the YouTubers having anxiety, I’ve been watching how far they’ve came and how much they’re doing with their lifes i.e. travelling. This should show us all how much we can do if we just try! Trying new things isn’t always a bad thing. Meeting new people can be one of the best things that can happen to you and you’ll meet some amazing friends if you just give different things a try. I’m recently back from Africa which has gave me a major confidence boost which I definitely needed. I also got myself a new job, started college and met new friends, something I really couldn’t have seen myself doing a year ago.
If you’re reading this thinking “oh god I could never do that” you can! And hopefully you will! Each day try something different, whether it’s picking up an apple at lunch, saying hey to someone in your school or college who you’ve never said hey to. Even the smallest things can start to build your confidence up bit by bit until you’re feeling happier in yourself. Setting a goal each day will also boost your confidence because as you achieve that goal you’ll feel pride in yourself. There’s so many people who go through life hating it because they are so used to what they do that they don’t want such a huge change in their life. If you absolutely hate your job quit your job! (I don’t suggest doing this if its full time and you have no other way of money or another job) But change what you don’t like about your life, it’ll make you a much happier person and you’ll start to enjoy everything about life. So how about we make October a month of change? We’ve got Stoptober to stop smoking, Shaytober to work out and lets have Changetober to change something about yourself/life or try something new! Trying something new doesn’t have to be drastic, it could be simply taking a Latte instead of a frappuccino at Starbucks, just have a good positive attitude towards everything you do and we can all start to have less panic attacks and feel ten times better about ourselves!
Until next time!